Benefits of Eco Friendly Construction

The conventional construction methods worked just fine so far and many people who have decided to build a new home therefore wonder why would they choose eco friendly construction over the conventional one as most of them grew up in conventionally built homes. However, the things have changed a lot in the last two decades. Not only is energy becoming more and more expensive due to the increased demand but the humanity perhaps faces the greatest challenge in history – the climate change which is in the first place a result of human actions. And this is where eco friendly construction comes in. The green building methods and techniques are constantly being evolved, however, the existing ones offer two key advantages over the traditional construction methods – more efficient use of energy and reduction of human impact on the environment.

As already mentioned earlier, energy is getting more expensive and the costs of monthly energy bills are therefore only getting higher and higher. And considering the increased demand for energy due to the global population growth, the energy bills will probably never get any lower. On the contrary, they will continue to rise as energy generation almost exclusively depends on fossil fuel burning. There are sustainable and environmentally friendlier sources of energy too, however, less than one fifth of global energy is obtained from renewable sources. An eco friendly construction enables you to reduce energy consumption due to the use of energy efficient design, materials and building techniques, while some types of green building enable energy production on-site eliminating the energy bills completely.

Energy efficiency of eco friendly construction significantly reduces homeowners’ costs for energy as green buildings consume up to one third less energy in compare to conventional buildings. But financial benefits of green building are not the only reason why people are becoming increasingly interested in environmentally friendly homes. Reduced energy consumption automatically reduces their carbon footprint and helps reduce the human impact on the environment. In addition, green construction typically uses environmentally friendly materials and construction methods which are good for both the environment and human health. Eco friendly buildings are a safer and healthier place to live in, while their renovation or demolition reduces or eliminates exposure to potentially hazardous materials.

Eco friendly homes offer all the comfort and convenience of conventional homes and are not any less durable. But their operation and maintenance is by far less costly in compare to conventional homes due to above mentioned reasons, in the first place due to better energy efficiency. The only disadvantage of eco friendly construction is perhaps initially higher investment, especially if opting for the type that includes generation of energy on-site. However, the initially higher investment for an eco friendly construction pays off in the long term and it is less expensive to own an environmentally friendly than a conventionally built home. There are, of course, less expensive eco friendly construction methods too and an environmentally friendly home is not necessarily a significantly costlier than conventionally built homes.


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