The construction chemicals industry now provide such technologies and products to provide additional performance and endurance to structure and hence reduce the impact of corrosion . India loses INR 2 trillion (USD 40 billion) which is roughly about 4% of our national GDP every year due to corrosion of infrastructure, industrial equipment and other vital installations, according to last estimates from CII. Chemicals including surface coatings, floorings, concrete admixtures, corrosion inhibitors, grouts and sealants, repair mortars protect the surface from corrosion by restricting the ingress of moisture and providing a 'sealed' structure.
Concrete spalling is usually caused by corrosion of the steel reinforcement bar embedded in the concrete, but can be caused by other ferrous elements either fully or partially embedded in the structure. Corrosion is the cause of spalling and splitting in older concrete structures. Corrosion is typically caused by carbonation (which lowers the pH in the concrete) and chloride ions from salt-laden air combined with water, moisture and oxygen which creates a corrosive environment.

The corrosion on rebar is due to the growth of ferrous oxide scale (rust) on the rebar as shown in figure above which could lead to cracking and spalling. The ferrous oxide scale can expand 5-10x in volume and exerts enough force on the surrounding material that it splits the concrete. This splitting is what we refer to as spalling.

The construction chemical industries have developed such chemicals which act as corrosion inhibitors. Apple Chemie has come with one such product named as AC-COROGUARD. It’s a specially formulated corrosion inhibitor solution to increase chloride threshold value, reducing corrosion rate, thereby minimizing the corrosion & ensuring life of reinforcement structure.AC-CORROGUARD, corrosion inhibitor, is mixed type of inhibitor solution which retards anodic as well as cathodic reactions and forms an impervious layer on metal surface. Economical compared to costly concrete. Enhances strength & durability of concrete.

Application: Remove all loose rust / iron oxide remanants if any on the rebar by using wire brush. The treatment shall be given to reinforcement only after cutting and bending the same as per the bar bending schedule. Make a slurry of cement by adding inhibitor solution to OPC in the ratio of 0.5 to 0.6 : 1 (Inhibitor Solution : OPC Cement) Apply uniform coat of slurry on surface of reinforcement, iron and steel by brushing or dipping. Keep coated bars for drying on the drying platform. Apply second coat after 12 to 24 hrs interval and dry again.

1)   Inhibits the corrosion and protects the rebars from corrosive environment.
2)   It maintains high alkalinity around the metal surface in concrete, therefore controls corrosion  to carbonation.
3)    It increases the resistance of natural passivating film on the metal surface from chloride attack.
4)    It creates thin protective film on metal surface
5)    The passivating film blocks the contact of


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