Types of Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy floors and epoxy coatings are becoming increasingly popular for use as commercial and industrial flooring. There are a number of different types of epoxy coatings that can be used on floors including self-leveling epoxy coatings, self-dispersing epoxy coatings, mortar epoxy coatings, graveled epoxy coatings, epoxy terrazzo coatings, epoxy antistatic coatings, and vapor barrier epoxy coatings. Each of these types of epoxy coatings offers distinct advantages and disadvantages when compared to the others.

Epoxy Coating Choices for Flooring:

Self-Dispersing Epoxy Coatings for Floors:
This type of epoxy coating is commonly used in areas that receive frequent forklift or heavy truck traffic as it has very good mechanical strength. Another type of this durable epoxy coating is self-dispersing epoxy with quartz sand. This type of epoxy coating is commonly used in food processing industries or other locations where liquids are present because it has good anti-slip characteristics.

Self-Leveling Epoxy Coatings for Floors:
Self-leveling epoxy coatings are easy to install over new and old concrete floors as they level easily creating a seamless and smooth surface. Self-leveling epoxy coatings can be used in kitchens, dining rooms, storage places, garages, warehouses, office buildings, and more.

Mortar Epoxy Coatings for Floors:
This is the strongest of all epoxy floors. This type of epoxy coating is commonly used in heavy industry applications and can also be used to repair cracks before lying other types of epoxy floors.

Graveled Epoxy Coatings for Floors:
Graveled epoxy coatings are the most decorative epoxy flooring choice and they can be used for adding logotypes, brand marks, and decorative details to floors.

Epoxy Terrazzo Floor Coatings:
This type of epoxy flooring is very decorative and easy to clean. Epoxy terrazzo flooring is commonly used in large areas including hallways and entrances of commercial buildings, schools, and office buildings.
Epoxy Antistatic Floor Coatings:
This specialized epoxy coating is designed for use where static-sensitive electronic components are in permanent use and a static-free environment is most important such as in laboratories, hospitals, and electronics equipment manufacturing plants.

Vapor Barrier Epoxy Coatings:
Liquid epoxy vapor barriers are applied directly over concrete floors to provide an impenetrable surface that reduces vapor transmission to nearly zero. These epoxy coatings are typically applied prior to adding the final flooring surface including sheet vinyl, tile, carpet, or hardwood floors.

Epoxy Flaked Floor Coatings:
This is not exactly a type of epoxy flooring, but rather a style of applying epoxy coatings. With this epoxy flooring technique, multi colored flakes or chips are added over the epoxy coating while it is still wet in order to provide a decorative finish or look.

The 100% Solids Epoxy Floor Coating:
This is the most durable type of epoxy material in a flooring system, which professional installers use and recommend. This type of floor coating can last up to 20 years, even when subjected to heavy human traffic or in surfaces that require protection against hot tire marks, possible abrasions and from chemical reactions of chemically potent substances. Professional installers make use of hardeners that will allow the epoxy floor coating to dry up into solid form, as it bonds with the concrete substrate.

The Water-Based Epoxy Floor Coating:
This type of floor coating is more of a primer and a sealer, since it spreads out thinly and does not possess the same degree of durability and resistance as the 100% solids used in a complete flooring system. This is the type of epoxy floor coating included in a do-it-yourself kit touted as more user-friendly than that of the 100% solids. Due to its ability to penetrate into porous surfaces, its use as a primer or sealer over degreased concrete surface, works well enough. As such, it gives a concrete surface a smooth and glossy finish with protective capabilities against stains, abrasion and chemical reactions.

The Solvent-Based Epoxy Floor Coating:
As its name implies, this type of epoxy floor coating makes use of solvents when used as floor sealer and primer, similar to the water-based type. Solvent-based epoxy contains solids ranging from 30 to 70 percent; thus, achieving only a thin layer. Moreover, its very nature as a solvent-based epoxy floor coating makes it a less favorable choice, as the amount and/or type of solvent used are often non-compliant with the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) regulations. Of the three types of epoxy floor coating, Chicago installers and DIY users, rarely include the solvent-based type even as a primer or sealer in an epoxy flooring system.

Cooling Tower Epoxy Coatings:
Epoxy coatings are also useful for cooling tower protection and maintenance. With the elevated moisture, heat, and minerals common in cooling towers controlling corrosion and scaling is a full-time job. Cooling tower epoxy coatings are specially designed to withstand the high heat and harsh conditions. Cooling towers last longer and owners enjoy significant savings when protected with epoxy coatings.



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